Libellula gentile
fatti veloce
lieve traversa i nembi
di chi più si dispera
e non ha voce,
portati svelta in vista,
azzurra chiama gli occhi
e gli stupori.
Giù nelle vite perse
nei solchi profondissimi di nero
tessi la tua conocchia luminosa,
deponi lo smeraldo di un’ipotesi,
di un’ala.
Dopo, tocca ogni cosa
sillaba bene il suo nome
e falla vera.
Published July 23, 2018
Excepted from Argéman, Marcos y Marcos, Milano 2015
© Marcos y Marcos 2015
Délicate libellule
sois rapide
légère traverse les nuages
de ceux qui désespèrent le plus
et n’ont pas de voix,
leste rends-toi visible,
bleu azur appelle le regard
et l’étonnement.
Au fond dans les vies perdues
dans les sillons profonds de noir
file ta quenouille lumineuse
dépose l’émeraude d’une hypothèse,
d’une aile.
Ensuite, atteins chaque chose
prononce chaque syllabe de son nom
et rends-la vraie.
Published July 23, 2018
© 2018 Specimen
Abschied from Argéman
Written in Italian by Fabio Pusterla
Translated into German by Christoph Ferber
Liebliche Libelle,
heb ab, flieg,
mach, dass du schnell bist,
mit leichten Flügeln durchquere
die Wolken dessen,
der verzweifelt ist,
ohne Stimme,
beeile dich, zeig dich
azurfarben vor aller Augen
vor aller Staunen.
In jedem verlorenen Leben,
zutiefst in den schwarzen
Furchen, spinne dein leuchtendes
Garn um den Rocken, leg
den Smaragd eines Flügels ab,
einer Hypothese.
Später, berühre alles,
buchstabier ihren Namen,
mach sie wahrhaftig.
Fly gentle
skim through the rain-clouds
of those who despair most
and have no voice,
bring fast into view
your azure capture our eyes
and our wonder.
Deep amid lost lives
in furrows’ black depths
weave your luminous spindle,
lay down the emerald of a hypothesis,
of a wing.
Then, touch every thing
spell its name
make it true.
Vilinski konjicu plemeniti
lakokril kroz oblačine
onoga tko ponajviše očajava
i ostao je baz glasa,
hitar doleti u obzor,
plavetan dozivaj oči
i začudnosti.
Dole u izgubljenim životima
u predubokim brazdama crnine
preo sam tvoju svijetlu preslicu,
odloži smaragd pretpostavke,
A poslije, dodirni svaku stvar
dobro joj slovkaj ime
i učini je stvarnom.
Published July 23, 2018
© Za hrvatski prijevod Tvrtko Klarić i Felsina d. o. o.
Вилински коњицу
буди брз
лаган пређи црне облаке
оних што највише пате
и немају гласа,
покажи се витак,
азуран дозови очи
и чуђења.
Доле у запалим животима
у најдубљима браздама тамнила
плети своју светлосну кудељу,
положи смарагд хипотезе,
једног крила.
После, дотакни сваку ствар
лепо нагласи њено име
и учини је истинитом.
Despedida from Argéman
Written in Italian by Fabio Pusterla
Translated into Portuguese by Prisca Agustoni
Libélula gentil
sê veloz
cruza, leve, os nimbos
dos que mais se desesperam
e não têm voz,
veloz torna-te visível,
convida, azul, os olhos
e os espantos.
Onde padecem vidas perdidas
nos sulcos tão profundos do escuro
tece a tua roca luminosa,
pousa a esmeralda de uma hipótese,
de uma asa.
Em seguida roça cada coisa
soletra bem seu nome
e torna-a verdadeira.
Published July 23, 2018
Excerpted from ARGÉMAN. Antologia Poética, Edições Macondo, 2018
© Edições Macondo, 2018
Swiss poet Fabio Pusterla takes the stage at FLIP, Brazil’s main literary festival ( For the occasion, a collection of Pusterla’s poems has been published in Brazil. Swiss poet Prisca Agustoni translated Pusterla’s poems from Italian, her mother tongue, into Portuguese, her acquired language. Specimen has now combined a series of published and previously unpublished poems into a variety of first and second languages.
This project is part of a series of exchanges leading the way to Babel’s Brazilian edition, September 13-16 (